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Issue 61 - Vintage Modern Issue

Issue 61

Vintage Modern Issue

The breadth and scope of Habitus has always been extraordinary. With how we live at heart of every issue, we have stepped it up with Guest Editor David Flack of Flack Studio shaking the ‘how’ and looking at new ways to make a house a home. With Vintage Modern as the issues theme, we look at the way iconic design has stayed with us, how daring pieces from the past can add the wow factor and how architecture and good design defy the pigeon hole of their era.

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Design Hunter Q+A: Sarah Beetson
PeopleHabitusliving Editor

Design Hunter Q+A: Sarah Beetson

UK born artist Sarah Beetson always wanted to be an illustrator like Quentin Blake, and she achieved it.


Name: Sarah Beetson

Where you are from/live: From Cheshire, UK – Live in Wongawallen Queensland, Australia

What you do: I’m an illustrator and artist

When did you first know you wanted to be a… When I was 8, I had 3 ambitions – to win Wimbledon (but I turned out to be not great at tennis…), to be a rockstar (unfortunately I can’t sing…), or to be a children’s book illustrator like Quentin Blake. I got close to the third one!

Your latest project:

I recently illustrated Wonderwoman for Smithsonian Mag in the US. I also completed a top secret job which I can’t talk about until July 2015 when the campaign is due to launch (sorry!) I’m working on 2 other illustration jobs currently, plus I’m continually working on a large body of work based around Coney Island, New York, USA, where I completed a 3 month artist residency earlier this year.

Please tell a bit about this, what were the highs and what were the challenges? How did you overcome these?

My latest series from Coney Island involves painted polaroids containing fairground – themed song lyrics. With the commissioned projects, there are usually tweaks, edits and changes to the illustrations to be made. I really enjoy the challenge of working to brief alongside a clients direction.


Coney Island Illustrations


Three people that inspire/excite you:

1) Amanda Palmer
2) Stella McCartney
3) John Waters

What is your favourite…

Car/bike/plane/boat model: Vintage Volkswagen Beetle
Chair model: I REALLY need to get myself a) a great desk chair for working at the computer and b) an angled stool for drawing at my desk/easel. Recommendations are most welcome!!!

Residential space: The most fun places I have lived apart from my cute little house in Australia, are my friend’s houseboat on The Thames in London – formerly a Motor Torpedo boat which sunk a
battleship in WW2, (I really enjoyed being rocked to sleep on the water and negotiating the perils of drawing at high tide), and the artist loft I stayed at during my NY residency in Greenpoint, Brooklyn – where I did my spraypainting on the rooftop overlooking the East River, Crysler and Empire State buildings. I am ridiculously lucky to spend 3-6 months per year overseas.
Commercial space: my studio. Its huge and purpose built on the farm where I live, and a stones throw from my house, so I have the perfect balance of working as much as I care to.

Decorative product: Standard school art supply Australian Glow Paint
Functional product: My Windsor & Newton table top travel Easel. Soooo useful for trips overseas.

Handmade good: I recently developed dairy intolerance, so I’m baking my own dairy free raspberry chocolate cheesecakes using cashew nuts
Mass-produced good: Pilot G tec C pens. They have the best giant selection of rainbow colours of any fineline drawing pen, and come in 4 width sizes.
Item in your studio: My new mascot, a vintage 1960s Gund clown doll very like the one in my tattoo. His name is Pierrot and he’s super cute. Also, my 2 hens Anna Piaggi and Iris Apfel like to come
in and hang out, as does Mr Hoppity my wallaby neighbour.



Time of day to work/play: I used to be a total night owl, and whilst I still occasionally pull an all-nighter prior to an art show or for an illustration job deadline. These days I tend to enjoy the long sunny Queensland days, begun with my morning yoga routine, followed by a long day in the studio.

Meal: My boyfriends incredible prawn burritos, with mango salsa and fresh homegrown veggies.
Restaurant: Chin Chin or Tokushima in Melbourne.
Drink: Aperol spritz or Lindauer Fraise
Bar: KGB bar hidden away in The West Village, NYC

Piece of technology: I certainly would not have developed the career I’ve had without the internet.
Historical figure: Opal Whitely
Fictional character: Billie Jean from the movie ‘The Legend of Billie Jean’

Vice: red wine.
Virtue: yoga / pilates

What does the term ‘Design Hunter’ mean to you? It makes me think of a creative person or artist striving to achieve their finished work.

Who are two people you’d call Design Hunters?

Well, I guess I am one – I am also a talent scout for my Illustration Agent,, and constantly on the lookout for great new illustration.


Sarah Beetson will be attending Supergraph art fair this February in Melbourne.

About the Author

Habitusliving Editor


artdesign hunter

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Issue 61 - Vintage Modern Issue

Issue 61

Vintage Modern Issue

The breadth and scope of Habitus has always been extraordinary. With how we live at heart of every issue, we have stepped it up with Guest Editor David Flack of Flack Studio shaking the ‘how’ and looking at new ways to make a house a home. With Vintage Modern as the issues theme, we look at the way iconic design has stayed with us, how daring pieces from the past can add the wow factor and how architecture and good design defy the pigeon hole of their era.

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