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Issue 60 - The Kitchen and Bathroom Issue

Issue 60

The Kitchen and Bathroom Issue

HABITUS has always stood ahead of the rest with a dedicated Kitchen and Bathroom issue of exemplar standards. For issue 60 we have taken it up a notch with our Guest Editor the extraordinary, queen of kitchen design, Sarah-Jane Pyke of Arent&Pyke, speaking directly to Kitchen and Bathroom design with some increadable insights.

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Design Hunter™ Q&A with Belynda Henry
PeopleHabitusliving Editor

Design Hunter™ Q&A with Belynda Henry

Belynda Henry is currently showing her contemporary abstract paintings at Richard Martin Art. We caught up with her to find out what inspires her and what makes her design world tick.

Your name: Belynda Henry

What you do: I am an artist, painter and teacher.

Your latest project … is an exhibition of paintings and sculpture inspired by the landscape and colour.It took me a year to produce and is on show now at Richard Martin Art.

What is your favourite…

travel destination Hamilton island or Paris!

hotel/place to stay  Qualia, Hamilton Island.

magazine Belle, Vogue Living, Inside Out.

watchmaker Longines

luxury goods company Loius VuittonHermès

three people that inspire/excite you

1)  Louise Olsen, Dinosaur Designs

2)  Elizabeth Cummings, painter

3)  My 2 daughters for their innocent pure belief in their mum.

design classic  Hermès, Kelly bag.

new design  Landrover Discovery

favourite type of chair Largest size king leather lounge

restaurant Pendolino, Strand Arcade

drink Bollinger

gallery/museum Long list. From the Louvre to AGNSW, plus the many amazing galleries around Sydney that inspire me immensely.

book I am reading  Right now I’m reading The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.

item in your studio  Paints and brushes..

artwork My daughters paintings from when they were tiny. I love the freedom and looseness in childrens creations.

artist  I love passionate, creative, succesful artists who believe in their work.

piece of technology iPhone, iPad

creative philosophy Always believe, search everyday, create everyday and never give up.

Belynda Henry’s work is currently on show at Richard Martin Art in Paddington NSW until 7 March 2011.

Richard Martin Art

About the Author

Habitusliving Editor


belynda henryrichard martin art

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Issue 60 - The Kitchen and Bathroom Issue

Issue 60

The Kitchen and Bathroom Issue

HABITUS has always stood ahead of the rest with a dedicated Kitchen and Bathroom issue of exemplar standards. For issue 60 we have taken it up a notch with our Guest Editor the extraordinary, queen of kitchen design, Sarah-Jane Pyke of Arent&Pyke, speaking directly to Kitchen and Bathroom design with some increadable insights.

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