“I have been tending to call the work a dialogue rather than a collaboration, as we didn’t work together," explains jewellery designer Helen Britton of the travelling exhibition of photographs and object that is Awkward Beauty.
Helen Britton who now lives in Munich, spent three months in Perth during the summer of 2010 creating sculptural and structured pieces that were designed to challenge her long time friends and garment designer Justine McKnight.
During the project she created 5 pieces of work in Germany and five in Australia. When she finished, she passed them on to McKnight, who considered them and in turn created five not matching, but related outfits. McKnight in turn made five new garments for Britton to consider and respond to with new jewellery.
Privy to this process, was photographer Taylor who them responded to both through her images, placing and displacing the garments and jewellery in a non-linear but harmonious narrative. Curator Elisha Buttler Curator at FORM, Western Australia says they have compiled a body of work which not only represents the creative outputs of three individual, distinct artists, but a body of work within which each output each artwork– is a product of the other.
“I would not go as far as to say each work is wholly reliant on the other, but each is related to the other and in a way, would not exist without the other. “The three artists, tuning into the intriguing spatiality, aesthetics and trace identities of the railway workshops, have also challenged one another in the way that only creative minds can.
Helen Britton is represented by Gallery Fanarki in Melbourne and Galerie Spektrum in Munich.